Wednesday, December 08, 2010

So President Obama capitulated to the blackmail by the Republicans. In his press conference he said that it is not about ' a fight.' But that is exactly what it is about. The people elected you with a clear majority to fight for them, to protect the weak and stand up to self serving bullies and if that means that you do not get a second term so be it. At least you will be remembered as someone who went down fighting rather than a weak, vacillating and narcissistic gas bag who just enjoyed looking into the mirror. And what about the Republicans? These are people parading their religious convictions while selling themselves to the highest bidder without any pangs of shame or moral pride. So utterly devoid of any humanity are they that they were ready to cut off unemployment checks to the needy during festival season unless their paymasters were given tax cuts they do not need. Did they not think that these people, who they are ready to treat with such supreme contempt, may have children who might need food, clothes and medicines during the coming winter cold? Or were they so sure that Obama would surrender cravenly as Democrats usually do? Democrats had control of both houses of Congress and could have forced through the healthcare reforms, a tax bill and a bigger infrastructure stimulus if they chose and, if the Republicans did not like it, invite them to jump into the Potomac. They should definitely have started a criminal investigation of why Dick Cheney released Valerie Plame's identity to punish her husband. They seemed scared of Republican thugs. Republicans have no soul and Democrats have no guts. And they presume to preach to us.

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