Tuesday, February 02, 2010

The situation in Mumbai is getting complicated. First we had the Shiv Sena wanting Biharis to get out. Then we had the present Congress government in Maharashtra saying that anyone applying for a new license to drive taxis in Mumbai must be proficient in Marathi. Now Rahul Gandhi has stirred things up nicely by saying that during the attacks on Mumbai in 2008 commandos from Bihar and UP fought to save Mumbai. The Shiv Sena have riposted by saying that it was an insult to all Marathis because many brave marathi officers had died fighting the terrorists. There is some resentment against Hindi in India. Many people feel that Hindi has been made the official language of India to give undue advantage to the Hindiwallahs who are looked down upon because of their tendency to have large numbers of children even today. Hindiwallahs are not asked learn to any other Indian language but others have to learn Hindi because central government work is done in that language. Also Hindi politicians like Lalu Prasad and Mayawati never talk about improving the conditions of other states. In fact when Lalu was the Railway Minister all he did was increase rail services and jobs in Bihar. So it is very hypocritical for Hindiwallahs to talk about India for all Indians. Reminds me of a story told to me by a Tamil doctor working in Saudi Arabia. He came to Mumbai and got into a taxi but then could not communicate. The doctor knew only Tamil and English while the taxi driver knew only Hindi and Marathi. After struggling for a few minutes the doctor said in exasperation, kalam arabi ( speak arabic ) ? And the driver said, aiwa ( yes ).

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