Sunday, February 21, 2010

Seems that everyone from President Obama to my neighbourhood tea stall owner is impressed with the double digit growth of China's economy for the last two decades. Nothing seems to be able to put the brakes on this runaway growth which grew over 10% even in 2009 when the rest of the world was trying to stop the headlong plunge into depression. However political correctness prevents anyone from saying one of the main underlying cause of this growth and it is China's population control. Chinese leaders enforced a one child per family rule since the early 1990s and this has reduced the number of mouths to feed. It is perfectly logical that if the number of poor people declines poverty will decline in parallel. Also having just one child decreases expenses on children, allows both parents time to work and increase consumption helping the economy further. To be sure it was enforced brutally and the preference for boys has meant widespread murder of girl babies with a highly skewed population. However the same thing happens in India where ultrasound is used to determine sex of the unborn child and female fetuses then aborted especially in the north. No one in India talks about uncontrolled population growth especially in the BIMARU states. The talk is of uplifting the poor and the demographic dividend when majority of young people are unemployable because of poor education and lack of knowledge english. Surely no country in the world, no matter how rich, can go on feeding an infinite number of people. However for politicians vast numbers of illiterate naked hungry aam aadmi means easy votes. You feed them some garbage about caste, promise free rice and bingo, you are a big daddy. No food, no water, no education, no electricity and no hope.

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