Sunday, February 14, 2010

Lot of froth in newspapers regarding Valentine's Day. Freeloading journalists take great delight in mocking people who see this day as an afront to Indian values. What puzzles me is what is love in today's world. Time was when men would fight duels to the death to protect a woman's honour. Not today. Love has become a four letter word with the same significance as other four letter words. Witness the booming sales of the ' morning after ' pill in India. It is available over the counter and women are using it freely. One anonymous single woman in Delhi claimed to have taken it three times in the past one month. Apart from the danger of diseases no one knows what damage these powerful hormones might be doing to her body. Men, as usual, love Valentine's day. Rs. 100 for a card and Rs. 100 for some roses and you have the girl in bed. Cheaper than any woman hanging around a roadside dhaba. Notice how alcoholics ply you with drinks and drug addicts offer to pay for the first injection of drugs? Women's sexuality seems to be along the same course. Women who have been around and are in a lot of little black books are the most vocal about sexual liberation of women. Unfortunately life always has one big caveat and that is the word ' but '. Women are more educated today and are earning big bucks which is very good but in trying to be the same as men they are only providing cheap entertainment for men. That is surely not the way to win the battle of the sexes.

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