Monday, February 22, 2010

In a brutally honest confession Tiger Woods has said that his infidelity was because he thought that with so much money and fame he was ' entitled '. Sense of entitlement is probably responsible for most of the deaths in today's world. Americans refuse any reduction in CO2 production because they are entitled. The British, with US protection, are set to plunder the oil and gas reserves in the seas around the Falkland Islands which belong to Argentina. Because they are entitled. In India criminal politicians can fly with any number of companions and family at tax payers' expense. Chief ministers of states buy luxury aircraft and helicopters while farmers commit suicide. One senior IAS officer in Chattisgarh, B. L. Agrawal has been found to possess over Rs. 930 million in assets. Politicians refuse to entertain any possibility of term limits because they cannot maintain their lifestyles without plundering the exchequer for life. Not just the politician but his murderous children, wife, mistress, whore, all are allotted constituencies so that everyone can enjoy in the pillage. They are all entitled. Manu Sharma is entitled to shoot Jessica Lall dead for refusing to serve him a drink because, as the son of a politician, he has been entitled from birth. Rathore is able to justify tormenting Ruchika's family until the girl commits suicide because, as the chief of police, he was entitled to molest a 14 year old girl. The support and protection he received from his colleagues, superiors and politicians proves that they all supported the notion of entitlement. We, the people, pay with our money, properties and lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although I agree with everything you have said, I must correct you on one point....The British are entitled to the oil and gas, because we bombed the shit out of the Argentinians during the Falkland war. That's our oil, after all fair is fair.