Wednesday, February 17, 2010

As I have been saying for years it was always about plundering natural resources around the Falkland Islands. That is why successive British prime minsters have crawled in humble servitude to US presidents. Turns out that there are an estimated 60 billion barrels of oil in the seas around the islands and Britain is going to start digging. Of course they will share the booty with the Americans. This will be the biggest anglosaxon robbery in history. In the first war for the Falkland Islands the Argentinians were thrashed because the US supported Britain and the USSR, as it was then, did not support Galtieri's junta because it was considered right wing. It was a monumental error on par with the sale of Alaska to the US. Now is the golden moment to set things right. Argentina should take the islands back by force which it is entitled to do. Britain is already upto its neck in Afghanistan and, its economy being in the gutter, is in no position to resist. The US is similarly involved in two wars and is also in economic trouble. Russia should help Argentina, which is now a democratic country, with the latest arms and aircraft. This will be nice payback for the US supplying arms to the east european countries to encircle Russia. Of course, the US and Britain will use the illegitimate UN Security Council to try and censure Argentina but Russia can always exercise its veto as the US does to protect Israel. The US and UK can retaliate by refusing to buy Argentinian beef or soya but will soon be begging for oil. If Ms. Kirchner has the guts and times it right she could go down in history as the ultimate hero of Argentina. After all what is sauce for the goose is sauce......

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