Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Seems that a former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court ( CJI ) helped his sons while on the bench. His sons were working for a company constructing shopping malls. The CJI ordered sealing of shops and businesses operating in residential areas and the razing of buildings considered to be built illegally. This resulted in panic and huge rises in the prices of shopping malls as businesses frantically looked to relocate. These orders have now been suspended. Three journalists of a tabloid, Mid Day, have been punished by the Delhi High Court for contempt of court. Apparently by publishing this story they sought to cast the entire judiciary into disrepute. The Court made no attempt to verify the truth behind the story so the judgement means that whatever the crime committed by a judge no one is allowed to talk about it. The Minister of Information and Broadcasting tried to introduce a bill which has united all journalists in opposition. They say that the bill is aimed at reducing the right to free speech. Meanwhile in Burma army thugs are beating up monks and nuns for expressing dissatisfaction with the criminal junta. Last year the Chinese had to release a blind activist, who had been jailed for protesting against corruption, because of the international outcry. No one would dare to criticise Ahmadinejad in his own country Iran but he had to sit and listen to the bad mannered rantings of the boorish Dean of Columbia University. Third world leaders have to understand that unless they respect their own people they will be insulted abroad.

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