Monday, September 03, 2007

Junior doctors at All India Institute for Medical Sciences ( AIIMS ) in Delhi have been on strike because they have not received their degree certificates for two years. This is a most crucial time for these young people because their careers and lives are at stake. The Health Minister is refusing to sign the certificates for reasons that have not appeared in newspapers. The High Court in Delhi instructed the Minister to sign the documents immediately but we will have to wait and see if he will do so secure in the knowledge that he can do anything he likes including destroying the valuable lives of so many young people. So what has His Majesty, the Health Minister done during his time in office. He has banned smoking in Indian films and he has been trying his level best to destroy AIIMS, the only premier medical institution in the country. He is trying to increase reservation for undeserving candidates and thus lower standards and he has been needling the Director, trying to get him to resign so that he can get his own man in. Has he done anything to improve the standard of medical care or reduce unethical marketing by drug firms? Where is the time for anything constructive?

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