Friday, October 12, 2007

There has been a spate of deaths in Delhi when people have been mowed down by buses run by private operators, the so called ' Blue Line buses ', so called because they are coloured a light shade of blue to distinguish them from the green ones of Delhi Transport, the sarkari fellows. Following headlines in newspapers politicians have come out with their usual lies and smokescreen. They talk about phasing out Blue Line buses which is utter nonsense because without private operators public transport will be crippled. Moreover the same fellows will paint the buses a different colour and start operating again. This has happened previously when Red Line buses were banned and the Blue Line ones started. The problem is that transport companies are owned by politicians who will never allow their profits to fall regardless of the number of people killed. Yet the problem is so easy to solve. A strict law that enforces proper maintenance of all public buses and heavy punishment for owners if vehicles are found to be faulty. Secondly all commercial licences should be centralised and the driving test stored on video to eliminate bribes. All licences in Delhi already demand prints of index fingers of both hands so it should be easy to compare prints of new applicants against the data bank to prevent applying for a new licence under a different identity. So easy yet impossible because the law concentrates on pollution control of cars with small engines every three months because this earns money and lets people be murdered by buses. Politicians need to enjoy.


papa_the_great said...

Hear hear. I agree there should be some criminal liability for the owners of the buses. Granted a driver can always make a mistake and one cannot hold the owner responsible all the time, but they certainly are responsible to make sure that the operators of their vehicles have no previous felonies and a clean driving record.

The Aam Aadmi said...

In India most road deaths are caused by buses and trucks while in western countries cars are mainly responsible. Cars are made to latest designs and exported. They have to conform to euro three standards for exhaust and have to get certified every three months, even new cars. Police are used as collection agents to extort fines from car owners for flimsiest of reasons. It is sick that bus and truck owners get away with murder. Criminal politicians.