Thursday, May 05, 2022

Enjoy it for now.

"Pope Francis appeared to partly blame the West for Russia's invasion of Ukraine in an interview published this week, suggesting that the 'barking of NATO at Russia's door' may have forced Putin's hand," Fox News. "An anger that I don't know if you can say was provoked, but maybe facilitated," the Pope told the Italian Corriere dela Sera newspaper. "I can't answer, I'm too far away, to the question of whether it is right to supply the Ukrainians," Francis said. "There are international interests in every bit." "In Ukraine it was the others who created the conflict." When Eastern Europe was at peace NATO has been provoking Russia by placing missiles near its borders, The Conversation. If the US objected to Soviet missiles in Cuba, which is an independent nation hundreds of miles away from the US, and even placed Cuba under a "quarantine" in 1962, Office of the Historian, then Russia has every right to object to US missiles right on its doorstep. Pope Francis is clearly holding NATO responsible for provoking the war, suggests that supplying arms is prolonging the killings and hinted that it is to benefit Western arms industry. Will US Deputy National Security Adviser Daleep Singh warn the Pope of "consequences" as he warned India, HT, for his blunt comments? After all the Pope is not just a religious leader, he is also the head of state of Vatican City which became independent from Italy in 1929, wikipedia. In 2013, Russia promised to lend $15 billion to Ukraine and reduce the price of natural gas by a third, VOA News. The US actively created and supported an armed revolution, known as the Maidan revolution, to force the elected President Victor Yanukovych to flee to Russia, Cato Institute. The Cato Institute also suggests that the war has been deliberately provoked by the US. The Western cabal is very pleased that sanctions placed on Russia will permanently destroy its economy, CNBC. Maybe, but will their economies escape? "Global growth is expected to decelerate markedly from 5.5 percent in 2021 to 4.1 percent in 2022 and 2.3 percent in 2023 as pent up demand dissipates and as fiscal and monetary support is unwound across the world," World Bank. The OECD is alarmed at high gas and food prices hitting the poor in Europe, ignoring the plight of those facing abject poverty in poor countries. JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said that there is only a 33% chance of avoiding a recession in the US, Fortune. US markets fell heavily yesterday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 3.12%, the S&P 500 by 3.56% and the Nasdaq Composite lost 4.99%, ET. As of now it appears that the US and its supporters want complete withdrawal of Russia, including from Crimea, which will not happen. So sanctions will be long term even if it causes a global catastrophe. Perfect schadenfreude, wikipedia. But at what cost?

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