Sunday, February 14, 2016

'Idiot' tattooed on their foreheads.

A bunch of countries involved in the destruction of Syria agreed a 'cessation of hostilities', to start in one week, so that aid maybe delivered to suffering civilians. This gives one week to the various combatants to intensify the conflict to try and capture as much territory as they can to create a new reality on the ground. The deal does not call for cessation of attacks against ISIS or the Al Nusra front and so attacks will continue. Some see it as a licence for the Syrian government and Russia to continue with their attacks. Bashar Al-Assad has already said that he intends to reunite the whole of Syria, as long as it takes. This agreement was forced by the desperation in Europe over the refugee crisis. Initially European leaders tried to be high-minded and open their borders to migrants but this encouraged people from North Africa, Pakistan and Bangladesh to join the refugees in the hope of getting into Europe. Angela Merkel is deeply unpopular after taking in over one million migrants, with no sign of any easing of the flow. King Abdullah has warned that his country can take no more and if other countries do not help " the dam is going to burst ". Over a 100,000 are massed at the Syria-Turkish border. The complete confusion and bemusement of western governments maybe gauged from their decision to send NATO warships to patrol the Aegean Sea, ostensibly to stop people smugglers. If they see a boat full of migrants with little children what are they going to do? Fire on those boats and sink the lot? Smugglers will abandon ship if they spot a NATO warship which will have to save the migrants and end up as a rescue ship. In any case the vast majority of migrants are crossing the Aegean by inflatables. The smugglers are sitting in offices in Turkey, out of reach of NATO. Turkey is playing a very complex game. It has a promise of $3.4 billion in aid to stop the flow of migrants and easy travel for its own citizens into Europe. Germany already has near 3 million Turks. Will Germans be happier with a million more Turks, instead of Syrians? We wonder. Turkey has refused to let in more refugees unless it gets more money. " We do not have the word 'idiot' written on our foreheads," said President Erdogan of Turkey. No, but you can be too clever. Turkey has been shelling Kurdish militia north of Aleppo, near its border. Kurds are the only 'boots on the ground' fighting ISIS directly. The US has urged Turkey to stop the shelling. Turkey is unable to use planes over Syria as Russia has established a virtual no-fly zone by deploying S-400 missiles. Seeing their clever plans falling apart Saudi Arabia and Turkey have talked about sending in ground troops into Syria. Iran has laughed at the proposal. Turkey wants to drag NATO into a war with Russia, Saudis want to destroy Iran, Kurds want to establish an enclave in the north of Syria, Turkey hates the Kurds, Assad wants absolute power and Russia is warning of a new 'cold war'. Meanwhile the US is to supply F-16s to Pakistan. They were all born with 'idiot' tattooed on their foreheads.

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