Thursday, August 06, 2015

If we are merely computer simulation why not write our own history?

People never learn from history. History is useful for making films glorifying certain characters, such as Spartacus, romanticising the fatal love affair of Anthony and Cleopatra or vilifying villains, like Adolf Hitler. The US has been losing every war since World War II but the urge to interfere is still irresistible. Confused about what to do in Syria, but unable to resist the temptation of doing something, Obama has trained a bunch of rebels to fight ISIS in Syria. The first 60 of such fighters were sent into Syria recently and were immediately attacked, not by Assad's army or by the ISIS, but by Jabhat al-Nusra, which is an affiliate of the Al Qaeda. Getting repeatedly humiliated is not easy to bear. So, even as Hiroshima remembers the horrific nuclear strike 70 years ago Obama has asked the Department of Energy to construct ' super-nukes ', 3 times as powerful as the Hiroshima bomb. Eminent historian Ramachandra Guha writes," History is a humanistic, not a technical, discipline. It aims at expanding human understanding, not at solving social (or national) problems." And, " A knowledge of history may thus make the aam aadmi more self-critical, less xenophobic. As for political (or business or sporting) leaders, a knowledge of history is - or should be - the best antidote to hubris." But understanding of past events depends on which side you are on. Thus, Genghis Khan is a hero to Mongolians but a barbarian to Europeans. The British celebrate Winston Churchill as a great leader but to us, Indians he was a villainous butcher, no different from Hitler, who killed 3 million in Bengal by stealing our grain to feed his troops. One author thinks that it is alright to remove names of invaders from our streets and to give them Indian names but to make ridiculous claims about our past glory is foolish. Perhaps so. But what is the harm of a lunatic fringe claiming all sorts of inventions thousands of years ago? Why does the media in India focus so much space ridiculing these people? There are many people who believe in UFOs and aliens visiting earth. So what? There are conventions where adults dress up as comic superheroes. Good luck to them. The overwhelming majority of people smile indulgently as we go about our daily life. We Hindus believe that the universe is ' Maya ', which ' means an illusion '. Now a scientist has postulated that quantum particles, dark matter and the enormous speed of galaxies can be explained by assuming that we are a computer simulation by an advanced civilisation. If we do not exist then it does not matter if Adam was playing with dinosaurs, 72 virgins are waiting for us or that our ancestors were whizzing around in ' Pushpak Raths '. After all, history is our story. 

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