Sunday, June 14, 2015

We are human, they are jackals, what will the outcome be?

A court in South Africa has asked the government to stop Omar al-Bashir, President of Sudan, from leaving the country where he is attending an African Union summit. There is an order from the International Criminal Court for his arrest for crimes against the non-Arab people of Darfur. Apart from the fact that this is an illegitimate court which targets only Africans and people from former Yugoslavia this stupid arrest warrant compels al-Bashir to try to stay in power forever. He knows that if he loses power he may be handed over to this white construct, based at the Hague in the Netherlands, so he will do anything to stay in power. He may succeed just as Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, who recently celebrated his 91st birthday after being in power for 35 years, despite all the venom that the west has thrown at him and despite the local currency having lost all value due to hyperinflation. Zimbabwe now uses the South African Rand and the US dollar as currencies. Contrast that to Charles Taylor who made the mistake of losing power and is now serving a 50 year sentence in a UK prison. The irony is exquisite. Tony Blair, who earned the sobriquet of George Bush's poodle, for his support of the illegal war in Iraq has become super rich by acting as public relations officer for dictators of central Asian countries while David Cameron whose illegal bombing of Gaddafi resulted in the slaughter of 30,000 civilians in Libya has won a second term in office. The leader of this pack is Barack Obama, who promised change, but has turned out to be one of the vilest serial killers in history, killing thousands of innocent civilians by his indiscriminate and illegal use of drones. Not content with creating the mess in Iraq he now wants to instigate a war with Russia. The US is going to station tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and heavy armor, enough for 5,000 troops, in Baltic and east European states in response to the losing war in Ukraine. He is thinking of supplying arms to the good terrorists in Syria who, he hopes, will fight both the ISIS and Bashar al-Assad. Just as he undermined the former President of Afghanistan by talking to the good Taliban. His deal with Iran will help them to build nuclear weapons, according to the previous chief of intelligence. Meanwhile China has developed a supersonic vehicle capable of delivering a nuclear missile. The Chinese military is confident that it can continue its aggression in the South China Sea because Obama is their friend. Why do they think so? Because he has slyly agreed to supply China with nuclear technology as well as the means to make submarines quieter. How did a bunch of jackals come to power at the same time? The end of the world may well be nigh.

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