Saturday, June 20, 2015

Fact: Russia has been a friend and the US wanted to nuke India.

A man with a Russian sounding name, writing for Bloomberg of the US, has written a venomous article against President Putin of Russia, accusing him of paranoid delusions regarding a western conspiracy against Russia. No surprise there. We regularly see brown skin Uncle Toms pouring venom on India. " Putin and his people are now far outside the realm of the conventional. They see themselves as warriors of light in a world suffocated by a Western conspiracy. To them, there is far more at stake than just the regime's survival. That's what makes them dangerous," he rants. Conspiracy theory is an easy taunt but why did the west generate the crisis in Ukraine unnecessarily, when they instigated an armed coup against an elected president causing him to flee for his life? Now suddenly the Germans have discovered a man with inside knowledge about who shot down Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine last year. MH17 was flying at 33,000 feet. A satellite map shows 15,000 flights over the world, with hundreds flying over India. We cannot see or hear them at such heights. The rebels could not possibly have tracked MH17 but the air traffic control at Dnipro certainly did. It is therefore much more likely to have been shot down by the government. Have they already forgotten ' Curveball ' whose lies about WMDs in Iraq precipitated George W Bush's invasion of Iraq, resulting in the deaths of 200,000 people and the rise of ISIS? Gaddafi was killed by the British who deliberately lied about protecting civilians in Libya to the UN Security Council, resulting in the deaths of 30,000 civilians that they were supposed to be protecting. Libya is in a mess with thousands of migrants flooding into Europe. A former hitman for the mafia claims that he killed John Kennedy. All Putin conspiracies? US stooges abusing Putin is not new, but what is really amazing is that all the lies are repeated by the Indian press without any challenge. Russia has been a constant friend of India while the US has always helped our enemies. Russia has used its veto power at the UN Security Council repeatedly to protect India. It stopped the US forcing India to give Goa back to the Portugese and to stop support of Pakistan in the 1971 war. President Nixon threatened nuclear strikes against India. Even today the US is supplying Pakistan with advanced weapons systems to be used against India while issuing stupid reports about its support of terrorism. The Indian government is worried about British help in getting Pakistan's ISI to infiltrate into Afghanistan. The US and Britain are behind all that is bad in the world today. That is a fact. Not a conspiracy theory.

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