Saturday, August 16, 2014

Only quality services can improve manufacturing.

In his Independence Day speech the Prime Minister invited the world to manufacture in India. " I tell the world, Make in India! Sell anywhere but manufacture here. We have the skill and the talent," he said. Rousing words, but do we? The cost of education has gone up by 433% as the Right to Education Act passed by the Congress means that middle-class students have to pay for the 25% seats reserved for poor students. While millions of students go to college surveys consistently show that 80% are not fit to be employed. Most artisans are self taught so their work is shoddy. They have to earn everyday to survive so have no time to waste on training classes. Manufacturing is very important because foreign exchange earned through high quality products will make the country rich, as shown by China, Korea and Taiwan, but our lives can only be improved through honest, prompt and caring services. Healthcare is so expensive that a quick death is probably the most merciful option for most people. At least that will prevent the rest of the family from starving. Police are used as enforcers against citizens to tow away cars or hide behind trees to catch minor offences or start a pollution drive against car owners. Which country enforces pollution checks on cars every 3 months? Yet not a single policeman is ever seen patrolling the streets to help people. You pay toll every 30 km on highways but there is no emergency telephone to help in accidents, no ambulance service or police patrol to catch trucks driving the wrong way. If citizens are treated as dirt foreigners are treated no better. An Indian living in the US has obtained British citizenship because he wants to avoid the hassle of obtaining a visa every time he has to travel to Europe for work. He was told by the embassy in Washington that he could travel on his Indian passport for 3 months. He came to India on his Indian passport and then went to the passport office to surrender it so that he can apply for Overseas Citizenship of India. He was charged Rs 5,000 for the Surrender Certificate and Rs 10,000 as penalty. He then had to pay Rs 7,100 for permission to stay in India for 5 days and an exit visa, at the Foreign Regional Registration Office in Delhi. There you wait under a plastic shed, sweating profusely as there is no fan. There are some desert coolers but they are useless in the monsoon season. Indians are treated badly abroad because of our shabby treatment of foreigners. Millions of Indians work abroad and their remittances provide valuable foreign exchange for the government.  The opportunity is great as the Chinese government is bullying western companies but if we want India to become a manufacturing hub we must have top quality services which people can afford. Or else forget it.

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