Thursday, August 28, 2014

Enjoy on earth and get rewarded in heaven.

A succession of cases of so called ' Love Jihad ' is being reported by the media in India in which Hindu girls are either kidnapped, forced or blackmailed into marrying Muslim men and then beaten to convert. Instantly a multitude of pseuds have rushed forward to claim this as a Hindu conspiracy to tar Muslims and that these are all cases where women have fallen so madly in love that they deserted their families, friends and culture to rush into the waiting arms of Muslim men. Of course, some women will convert for ' love ' until such time that they are thrown out as trash when the fellow says Talaq 3 times, even on a cell phone. The pseuds are able to get away with their blatant lies because most people do not read newspapers of other countries and political correctness prevents TV channels from reporting on such incidents. In Rotherham in England 1400 girls were abused, beaten and raped between 1993 and 2013 by men of Pakistani origin. Just like the anti-Hindu liars in India officials in England were so afraid of being accused of racism that they did nothing even when girls reported their abuse. And just like the so called ' juvenile ', whose extreme depravity killed the 23 year old woman, named Nirbhaya by the press, was rewarded with a joke sentence of 3 years in a correctional facility so the judges of England are treating these lowlifes with TLC. Yet English judges had no hesitation in handing out very long sentences after the riots in London in 2011 even for people who were present at the scene but not taking part in the riots. In Iraq hundreds of women are being sold off as sex slaves by the Islamic State fighters. Their crime? They are Yazidis, a very old religion which survives only in certain parts of Iraq. The rewards are great. Enjoy yourself by raping women of other faiths here on earth and enjoy for ever with 72 virgins and boys after death. In Birmingham a conspiracy named ' Trojan Horse ' sought to promote Islamic teaching in mixed schools. Teachers and head teachers were hounded out of the schools and school boards were infiltrated by the fanatics. But it is not only about women and children. In Syria 300 government soldiers captured by the IS were shot to death. The video has been uploaded on the net and will no doubt be enjoyed by millions of faithful. It will also bring in more volunteers to fight for the IS and ' enjoy ' the fruits of victory. Meanwhile all governments make excuses by saying that these are a tiny minority and that we must embrace the majority. What they do not understand is that these people are following Jihad, whether love or otherwise, and to deny Jihad is to be an apostate. Or maybe they do understand but are lying for votes. Cowards.

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