Thursday, August 07, 2014

If you keep your mouth shut you won't put your foot in it.

The present Prime Minister's habit of communicating directly with people through Twitter, while ignoring main stream journalists, is causing anger and consternation. Journalists are peeved at missing out on foreign junkets at taxpayer expense and accuse Mr Modi of being " an avid one-way communicator ". " This government wants communication minus accountability," is the charge. But surely giving some information via tweets is better than giving none at all and covering up horrendous corruption, as the previous Congress government was doing. But we agree. Facebook and Twitter seem to be making people stupid as a man in Mexico sadly proved. Even more dangerous is a new game called Neknominations which calls for new depths of stupidity. It is entirely possible that as man evolved from monkeys so evolution could reverse and some humans could evolve into part monkeys. However, it is wise of Mr Modi to stay away from the media so as not to be influenced by dangerous vested interests, including foreign governments. The allegations by Natwar Singh maybe dismissed as conspiracy theories of a bitter old man, denied a ministerial post, but why did Manmohan Singh travel to the US 11 times in 10 years and what was Sonia Gandhi's mysterious illness that necessitated repeated trips to the US when the trips were too short for any definitive treatment and she looks healthier than almost anyone else in the parliament. Having maliciously denied Mr Modi a visa for over a decade the US would like to bring him under control like the previous Congress leaders. To that extent Obama has been appointing some Indian Americans to inferior posts as lackeys to various Secretaries. He hopes that Mr Modi will be so grateful for these brown Uncle Toms and Auntie Tammys that he will sign on to anything that Obama puts before him. Mr Modi should know that Preet Bharara is not the only scum and that a large section of Indians living in the US try to prove their loyalty to the US by being virulently anti-Indian, so as to further their own careers. The Chinese, on the other hand, remain loyal to the mainland even if born and working in the US. Obama is already a lame duck and after the November elections will be dead in the water. His popularity is way down and he is desperately looking for a ' legacy '. A ' Drone Master ', surrounded by spin doctors will be his legacy. Mr Modi has but one duty to the country. To drag the economy back from the cesspit that the Congress put it in. Its best to talk little and work hard. If he has time only for the occasional tweet then so be it. We can live with that.

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