Sunday, July 07, 2013

All of us should walk like the Egyptians.

The word " Democracy " comes from 2 Greek words. " Demos " which means " common people " and " Kratos " which means " rule " or " strength ". That is why our constitution starts with the words " we the people" which means that every act of the constitution derives its power and legitimacy from the will of the people. Politicians, however, have very cleverly narrowed the definition down to just winning of elections and nothing more. This definition allows Robert Mugabe to be a dictator, Vladimir Putin to be a semi dictator and the Congress in India to be an oligarchy where a family is given absolute power over the every aspect of governance by a bunch of invertebrate sycophants of such nauseating servility that they are allowed to take the country into an abyss of bankruptcy just to win elections to stay in power. This cozy pact by politicians across the world to define democracy by " free and fair elections " has now been shattered by the Egyptians who have come out in their millions to demand that power be returned to them. The Muslim Brotherhood, which has lost power, are claiming that it was an army coup which gives them the right to resort to armed resistance. What they are not saying is that they had no right to grab power in the first place. Hosni Mubarak was brought down, not by the Brotherhood, but by people resistance which refused to go away despite the killing of protesters. It was a protest without leaders, without organisation and without any political agenda. Just a set of demands for jobs, food, housing and to be treated with respect, without having to live constantly in fear of the secret police. The Muslim Brotherhood seized the opportunity. They said they would not contest parliamentary elections but did. They said that they would not contest presidential elections but did. Muhamed Morsi became the president and set about consolidating the power of the Brotherhood instead of focusing on the dire state of the economy. He issued a declaration granting himself all powers to supersede courts, convened the constitutional assembly, which had been declared illegal by a court, got it to pass an Islamic constitution in a hurry and appointed regional governors from the Brotherhood. Perhaps he was in too much of a hurry. He should have learnt from the Congress. Control the army, the police and all investigating agencies, use them to persecute opponents with false charges, divide the people by buying a " vote bank " with taxpayer money, institutionalise caste by reserving large numbers of jobs for numerous categories and then persecute Hindus to get votes of " minorities ". The Egyptians have shown us the way. We should follow them. We should all walk like the Egyptians. 

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