Saturday, April 13, 2013

We should learn from the Americans.

Cables, sent by US ambassadors in the 1970s and leaked recently by Wikileaks, are amazing in their detailed observation of a confusing country like India and their perspicacity. The US administration had more knowledge of the workings of our government and the relationships between various actors than the people, the press and maybe even our politicians. In his first meeting with Indira Gandhi Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan told her that President Nixon wanted to explicitly " stress " that America would not " supply lethal weapons to any nation of the subcontinent ". In one cable he said that Indira Gandhi's response can be " completely unpredictable ". " In a word, we hope for a normal relationship with India as of one world power with another," he said. This shows that even though the government was completely bankrupt and begging for money there was still some respect for our country. Compare that to now when the US gave word to Pakistan not to use drones against Lashkar e Toiba camps in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir training terrorists to be sent into India. The US continues to supply Pakistan with fighter aircraft, night vision goggles and means of making smart bombs while forcing India to stop buying oil from Iran to protect Israel. Even after the attacks on Mumbai our most revered Prime Minister went on " bended knees " to Sharm al Shaikh to beg for peace with Pakistan, we allow their actors to work in Bollywood films making millions, we have started a Samjhauta Express to Lahore to help terrorists to come in comfort and we even started playing cricket with them. And what did we get in return. The mad dogs came across to kill and behead our soldiers. On a visit to Assam in 1974 Ambassador Moynihan was shocked at the levels of immigration from Bangladesh. " The overriding problem in Assam perhaps is the rising population pressure. The state has the highest demographic growth rate in India - 3.7% - reflecting rapid natural growth and continuing immigration from Bangladesh and Nepal. This has caused grave economic and ethic/political problems which can be expected to worsen," he wrote. Since then Assam has had periodic riots and trouble with the ULFA, brutally put down by the Congress while helping Bangladeshis with identity cards. The complete control of The Family was so evident. Indira Gandhi wanted to get rid of SS Ray, Chief Minister of Bengal because Sanjay Gandhi did not like him. A cable reported that the " prestige of Sanjay Gandhi has been placed on the line in this affair, and for Ray to remain in office indefinitely would be a serious loss of face for him ". The malign control of the family continues to this day. At least Indira Gandhi was Indian and saw her future entwined with this country. Today we are being ruled from abroad. Thanks to the Americans, we are finding out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

American and British expectations should dictate India's policies.....India has all our call centers!