Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We need more leaks.

Criminal politicians and thieving civil servants exercise their malign power over us through secrecy. We do not know what deals are being struck behind closed doors, why we allow Pakistan to keep killing our citizens by sending terrorists into India or why Krittika Biswas was tortured in New York for cyber bullying while the Chinese scoundrel, who was actually responsible, was treated with fear. A lot of our weakness is because our politicians and civil servants are being blackmailed by mainly western governments who have paid them bribes but these days competition among news channels is shining a light on many crooked deals which would have remained unknown previously. That is why the present revelations of US cables by WikiLeaks, released by Hindu, during the long ago rule of Indira Gandhi are so satisfying. Seems that Mr Rajiv Gandhi was acting as " entrepreneur " for the Swedish firm Saab-Scania when it was trying to sell its Viggen fighter aircraft to India. The cable says," Swedish emboff has informed us that main Indian negotiator with Swedes on Viggen at New Delhi end has been Mrs Gandhi's oler ( sic ) son, Rajiv Gandhi. Latter's only association with aircraft industry ( to our knowledge ) has been as a pilot for Indian Airlines and this is first time we have heard his name as entrepreneur." At this time Mr Rajiv Gandhi was not interested in politics and it was widely assumed the Mr Sanjay Gandhi would become leader of the Congress after Mrs Indira Gandhi. So, apart from conflict of interest, Mr Rajiv Gandhi did not do anything wrong. In the event India chose to buy Sepecat Jaguar airplanes from Britain. So, no story there. What is interesting are the words - " Swedish emboff ( which would mean embassy official ) has informed us ". This shows that there is intense collaboration between western countries in intelligence gathering and they keep each other informed about anything they learn. This may explain why India has always lost the wars our soldiers won by sacrificing their lives. Why we gave away every inch of territory at Tashkent following which our then Prime Minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri mysteriously died. Why we refused refueling to Israeli planes who wanted to take out Pakistan's nuclear installations. Why hundreds of thousands of our soldiers sat around on the front lines for 6 months but did not fire a shot after the attack on our Parliament, costing hundreds of billions of rupees. Why our Prime Minister went on bended knees to Sharm al Sheikh to beg for peace with Pakistan after the Mumbai attacks. Why China is building 3 dams on the Brahmaputra in Tibet which will turn Assam into a desert. Why Sri Lanka keeps killing our fishermen while we wring our hands in anguish. Allowing the hijacked Indian Airlines plane to take off from Amritsar was pure cowardice. 64 years later we still not independent are we?

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