Saturday, January 26, 2013

A toothless army.

Today being the 64th Republic Day there would have been a parade in Delhi where some withered old politician would have received salutes from our armed forces. Platoons of soldiers in full uniform would have marched past in perfect lockstep. Missiles would have trundled past on large trucks, presumably to be put away in some warehouse till next year. Little children would have performed pretty dance routines while being forced to live in uncomfortable lodgings in the bitter cold, on poor food, far away from their villages. Pakistanis will be laughing their heads off as they crack jokes about our toothless armed forces reduced to poncing around in fancy dress. However, all this is not meant for the enemies of India. This is an occasion when politicians and civil servants show us that they are our masters. In an opinion piece in the TOI of 25 January titled " Let's Avoid Television Wars ", regarding the beheading of an Indian soldier by Pakistani soldiers in Kashmir, the former Chief of the Indian Navy, Arun Prakash writes," No government, since Independence, has considered it necessary to promulgate a National Security Doctrine or Strategy. Consequently every crisis catches the Indian state unprepared and flat-footed." Then," Forums like the National Security Advisory Board and the Strategic Policy Group have been rarely mobilised to justify their existence. The huge repository of security expertise resident in the armed forces HQ is wasted; because it lies outside the ministry of defence and they communicate through files." There is a cry of despair and anger in his writing which we understand because it is not only the armed forces which have been gnawed away from the inside by the cancer of corruption. Our Olympic Association has been derecognised by the International Olympic Committee. Everyone of our sports associations is ruled by politicians and civil servants who use all the money for their own gratification. In the recent London Olympics our wrestling team of 5 members had 3 coaches and one manager but not one physiotherapist. Wrestler Sushil Kumar privately paid for his physio, Arvindpal Singh to travel to London but because he had no accreditation he had to stay in private lodgings at great expense. Politicians and civil servants are terrified of a coup because they know that they are despised by the people while the armed forces are admired for their brave sacrifice. Is it going to change? No. Speaking of the indestructible geriatric members of the Congress Mr Rahul Gandhi said on 23 January," I will certainly draw the benefit of your experience for the good of the party. We are fortunate to have your support and cooperation....We are one family." Ominous words. All they will teach is how to loot and betray. As they have been doing since 1947.

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