Monday, January 07, 2013

A light extinguished forever.

To protect the Congress from the fallout of the horrendous gang rape in Delhi the freeloading press rather predictably resorted to attacking Hindus. While trying to appear erudite every so called expert has blamed a patriarchal society which continues the practice of worshiping goddesses while molesting or raping women. Since, among all religions, only Hindus worship goddesses it would imply that rape is a crime only to be found among Hindus. Every other religion in the world has a male god as its focus. Surely that cements the superiority of men in their consciousness and is inherently patriarchal. Rape, child abuse by priests and violence against women are no less prevalent in other societies which practice other religions. However, abusing Hindus is an easy way to divert blame from the real reasons of the increasing bestiality of our society. Only yesterday a young woman was murdered in Noida on the outskirts of Delhi. Her mother had complained many times to the local police about her daughter being harassed regularly by a local thug but the police took no notice of her complaints. In fact they advised her to compromise with the thug saying that it would not be good for her to have a powerful enemy in the area. When the woman was reported missing the police said that she must have eloped with some man and refused to look. If we had a police force which was trained to serve the public, instead of being an armed militia in uniform trained to protect politicians and civil servants in their criminal activities, we would soon start seeing a reduction in crimes. Just as taking a relatively weak stimulant like ganja very often leads to addiction to hard drugs like heroin and cocaine so toleration of minor crimes encourages criminals to commit serious ones as they develop a sense of immunity and power. Police in Delhi are also used as collection agents for the government much like gangs running protection rackets. Which other city in the world requires car owners to obtain a pollution certificate every 3 months? This in itself is a money raising racket but since people would naturally forget or not have the time to wait in queues to get a pollution check motorists are easy prey for huge fines raising a fortune for the Delhi government. People abuse the police which reduces morale. However, the real reason for the rise in horrible crimes is the idea that poor people are not responsible for the consequences of their actions. Poverty is accepted as an excuse for crimes such as poaching of tigers and rhinos, cutting down of forests for firewood and building slums on public land which are then " regularised ". It is as if poor people have no duties as citizens of India and can go on breeding to receive more and more handouts as their power as a " vote bank " continues to multiply. They then graduate to worse crimes such as rape and murder. The name of the victim of the gang rape was the Hindi word for " light ". Sadly that light has been extinguished forever.

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