Monday, November 01, 2010

Is it Shaw who once said that only 50% of Americans have brains implying that the other half had none? If the opinion polls are to be believed that is an understatement. The Republicans, including the Tea Party nutters, are predicted to win by a landslide on a promise of cutting taxes for the very rich, cutting social spending, repealing the healthcare bill and other such regressive policies which will reduce living standards for the average citizen. The present deficit was caused by unnecessary tax cuts by George Bush which converted a surplus left by Clinton into a deficit. Amazingly people were actually cheering when a candidate, Sharon Angle promised to make these cuts permanent which would add $ 700 billion to the deficit while cutting social service spending which will hurt the poor. Thus the taxes paid by the poor are going to make the rich even richer. If people are suicidally stupid what is the value of their votes and the meaning of so called democracy. In India people have been kept poor and illiterate for 63 years so that money can be looted from social schemes. These idiots actually touch the feet of politicians in servile gratitude when promised rice at Rs. 2 per kilo, free clothes or televisions not realising that these are mere alms being thrown at them out of the extortionate taxes that we have to pay. Democracy was shown at its best when President Lula of Brazil stepped down after two terms when he had an approval rating of over 80% and could have stayed on forever. We have stinking, decrepit old men refusing to leave or die and grooming their criminal children to take over the gangs. Indian democracy is gang rule forever.

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