Sunday, November 08, 2009

Today is Remembrance Sunday in Britain when soldiers who died in battle will be remembered. Red poppies will adorn every bosom and veterans will come out in old uniforms decked with medals. Bugles will blow and wreaths will be laid at the Cenotaph. Newsreaders, voices throbbing with emotion, will ask the rest of the world to be grateful that AngloAmericans won the war and to be doubly grateful because they are still dying in Afghanistan. No mention will be made of barbarism, of millions of innocents killed, of the fire bombing of Dresden and other acts of bestiality that europeans are so good at. However Europeans reserved their ferocity for their neighbours and though the British built their empire by being more brutal than their enemies we have to thank the Americans for slaughtering Asians. Starting with Hiroshima to Iraq and Afghanistan they must have killed tens of millions. From nuclear weapons to napalm, from agent orange to depleted uranium everything has rained down on Asia. And it is all done with good humor by naming bombs 'fat boy' and 'daisy cutter' they like to show what jolly good fellows they are. We asians fight among each other and are thankful to the yanks for killing us. Enjoy.

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