Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Pakistani army is claiming to have made significant gains in South Waziristan and have displayed large amounts of captured weapons. Equally significantly, they have managed to kill only a few low level Taliban, the senior leaders having managed to give them the slip yet again as they have done repeatedly in the past. Nice game this. Please the Americans by showing them some weapons, which can always be recycled back to the Taliban if required, while keeping the terrorist option alive for the future, just in case. The question which is most obvious, but which no one asks, is how a bunch of murdering loonies managed to get hold of sophisticated RPG launchers and thousands of automatic rifles. These are no ordinary pipe guns that a backstreet blacksmith can manufacture in the back streets of Peshawar but high end weapons which should only be sold by one state to another under strict control. Unfortunately for the world any murderous thug anywhere in the world seems to be able to get any weapon he desires putting the lives of innocent ordinary people and law enforcement officers at risk. News programs always seem to contain Somali pirates, Taliban fighters, Mexican drug dealers or Columbian paramilitaries armed with sophisticated weapons killing whoever they feel like. Behind this daily massacres are governments who are failing to stop weapons from reaching these killers. Hence governments are the true terrorists. Everything bad originates from politicians.

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