Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Killings and brutal torture of Iraqi prisoners, some quite innocent, by British soldiers are beginning to surface. Already a cover up is being readied. One fellow interviewed on BBC insisted that these were isolated incidents and that the vast majority of the soldiers were honourable. Unfortunately his words are belied by the fact that these incidents are coming to light only after the complete withdrawal of British soldiers from the Basra region of Iraq. So brutal was there control that Iraqis were terrified of complaining in their own country while the British brutes patrolled the streets. This is reminiscent of the people's fear of complaining against the mafia in Sicili. However the British are masters of lies and dissimulation. An enquiry will be held, one or two soldiers will receive a caution and the rest of the army will be honourably exonerated. One such enquiry was held in the past where Iraqi witnesses were not provided with proper interpreters or adequate explanation of how the process worked. Their testimony was dismissed as imagination and the soldiers were released. History is full of such British chicanery. The innocent Brazilian, De Menezes, who was executed and Black Sunday where Irish catholics were shot in the back come to mind. In today's world lies and propaganda win everytime while innocents die.

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