Saturday, November 07, 2009

Major Hasan, responsible for shooting twelve people to death at an army camp in the US, is a devout muslim who was outraged by the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is sure to cause a debate in the US about the safety of having muslims, of which there are between 3 and 20 thousand depending on who you believe, in the armed forces. The FBI has arrested two US citizens, Rana and Headley, who are members of the terrorist organisation LeT, for planning attacks against India and Denmark. Headley was keen to bomb Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper which published photographs of the Prophet while his LeT commander in Pakistan wanted him to attack India first. The Presidential elections in Afghanistan ended in a farce with the election of the cheat, Hamid Karzai because his opponent Dr. Abdullah withdrew from the second round. Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas has said he will not stand for reelection in January because peace talks are going nowhere, Israel continues to build settlements and Palestinians are being evicted from their homes in East Jerusalem. Barack Obama's speech in Cairo promised new relations with the muslim world but surely the US is on a collision course with muslims. This has nothing to do with the Republicans.

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