Saturday, September 12, 2009

South Africans are incensed at the gender tests carried out on their star female athlete, Caster Semenya accusing the IAAF of racism. To be sure when an American female tennis player sports muscles bigger than a man's and starts serving at over 200 kmph nobody dare suggest gender tests or performance enhancing drugs which are based on the male sex hormone, testosterone. Marion Jones was unluckily caught by accident when some insider ratted on BALCO. However the South Africans are doing a disservice to all female athletes and to Semenya herself. Any female athlete would be banned for life if she was found to be taking testosterone and Ms Semenya is said to have three times the normal female levels. Records in women's track and field events have not been bettered for over 20 years because increased vigilance by IAAF has made it impossible for female athletes to use performance enhancing drugs. People who are intersex are usually brought up as girls by their parents. If Ms Semenya is truly intersex then she should have her testes removed because undescended testes are precancerous. She should then be given female hormones to make her fully female. South African fury and denial could result in the death of this young lady. That is not racism.

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