Monday, September 07, 2009

Seems that a six year old girl has become a media darling in China because on her first day in school she declared that she wanted to grow to become a ' corrupt official '. At least in this one area we are way ahead of the Chinese in that we have set up an efficient system to train all 99% of our officials to be corrupt. First there is a tough elimination examination following which there is a four year residential training in the salubrious surroundings of a hill station. Once they qualify they are masters at making black money, sucking upto ministers to the extent that they will even carry ministers' shoes, blocking every kind of progress, buck passing and treating taxpayers with utmost contempt. Their promotions are time bound meaning that they are sure to be promoted after a certain length of service regardless of competence or integrity. They cannot be sacked and shamelessly award themselves the highest pay rises causing useful services like armed forces and police to feel insulted to the point of revolt. You see them in official ambassador cars accompanied by police escorts driving well above the speed limit and tailgaiting any vehicle getting in their way. Naturally the largest numbers of these slimy sleazeballs come from the most criminal states of India. To make any progress the training school must be shut down and best brains recruited directly on merit. To make it attractive get rid of 80% of the useless dross and pay high salaries based on ' hire and fire ' principle. Above all we need citizens' corporations to check their activities and hold them accountable. Pipe dream?

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