Thursday, September 03, 2009

In the US a lawyer, Ms. Amrit Singh working for American Civil Liberties Union wanted disclosure of documents regarding prisoner abuse in Iraq and Afghanistan under the Freedom of Information Act. When faced with obstruction she and her colleague, one Jameel Jaffer went to court and six years later have been successful in obtaining 130,000 pages of previously secret documents. The bootlicking press has naturally printed the whole article including her picture because she happens to be the daughter of our most VVIP Prime Minister, Mr. Manmohan Singh. Mr. Singh, on the other hand, has hidden 28,685 twentyfive year old files which were to be declassified under the Public Record Rules of 1997 in the bowels of his office. One can only surmise that they contain evidence of crimes committed by Congress and other politicians and therefore have to be hidden from view as long as possible, preferably until the criminals have left the earth. Problem is that politicans in India never seem to die of heart attacks, strokes or cancer at a young age even though these are common in the general population. Mr. Singh will no doubt try his best to deny the voters and taxpayers any and all the information contained in the files. What the daughter does for the US is denied to us Indians by the father. Yet the bootlicking press is forever telling us what an honourable man he is.

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