Wednesday, September 30, 2009

An article in the New York Times states that Lashkar e Taiba is active and is planning another attack against India. Why wouldn't they? Since independence the Congress has rewarded Pakistan for killing our citizens and soldiers. Nehru would not allow Cariappa to clear Kashmir of infiltrators, Lal Bahadur Shastri signed away all the territory gained by the heroic sacrifices of our soldiers and airmen using totally inadequate equipment, Indira Gandhi handed over 95 thousand prisoners of war for nothing in return and Rajiv Gandhi would not allow Israeli aircraft refuelling facilities to bomb Paki nuclear installation. Now our most ' honourable ' Prime Minister has rewarded the Pakis in Egypt even though we are yet to mourn the anniversary of the Mumbai massacres. This same Prime Minister is so happy having his photo op with President Obama for the freeloading press back home that he has probably forgotten to ask why the US is increasing its military aid to the Pakis while, at the same time, delivering a sombre speech on the anniversary of 9/11. With the friendly Congress in power it is no wonder that LeT is planning more attacks while Chinese cockroaches continue to violate our border. India managed to survive repeated attacks by muslim marauders and christian killers but will it survive the Congress?

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