Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The British like to say that they are not overtly religious. This makes them less emotional and more logical in their thinking and how they run their country. They proudly point to falling attendances in their churches as evidence and sneer at Americans whose religious fanaticism interferes in rational discussion about subjects such as abortion or homosexuality. Yet every year around this time a bunch of Protestants, called the Orange Order, march through Catholic areas in Belfast, Northern Ireland dressed as clowns in orange coloured clothing and heavily protected by the police. This, apparently, is to commemorate some sort of victory in battle over the Catholics in the distant past. To Catholics this is a painful reminder of British brutality, of potato famines and bloody sunday and naturally they react to this blatant taunting by throwing stones and sticks. This gives the police an excuse to beat up the Catholics and vilify them as thugs. Sure the Protestants have the right to dress up as clowns and march up and down like idiots all year if they so desire but there is no need to go through Shankill Road just to goad the Catholics. By their incredible brutality the British have managed to bring Sinn Fein under control but the IRA could yet revive unless they feel they are respected as citizens. Brutality built an empire in the past and it seems to still guide official British policy.

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