Thursday, February 12, 2009

One of the ways that developed countries show their superiority is by making their citizens more important than those of the third world. Thus the US maintained sanctions against Vietnam for over 20 years and only lifted them when the Vietnamese agreed to find the bodies of soldiers who had been missing in action since the Vietnam war in which the US was the aggressor, committed innumerable war crimes and lost. The sanctions were a way to tell the world that dead Americans were more important than millions of living Vietnamese. Similarly the Syrian who is alleged to have bombed the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie is still in jail in Scotland but the captain of the American warship who cold bloodedly shot down an Iranian airline plane full of civilians is free to enjoy his life and boast about his kill. Third world leaders kill their own people to stay in power and think that this gives them status. Not so. Robert Mugabe may strut around protected by his thugs but if his people are reduced to picking grains of wheat from the road like rats then as head of state he is also a rat. You may class yourself as VVIP and spend Rs. 9.5 billion buying luxury aircraft but if the aam aadmi are living in conditions worse than cattle then what are you?

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