Monday, February 16, 2009

In Britain a girl of 15 has given birth to a baby girl fathered by a 13 year old. They were 14 and 12 when she became pregnant. Had an adult had a relationship with one of these children he or she would have been jailed for paedophilia and labelled for life but no punishment will meted out to these two. Instead they will be paid child benefit financed by the tax payer. But what of the baby? These two are clearly too young, inexperienced and unemployed to look after a baby. No other animal baby is as helpless as a human one because a more mature baby would have a brain so big that it would not pass through the mother's birth canal. Also only humans have the power of language which, in turn, needs years of education before adulthood. Meanwhile in the US a single mother, who already has six children, has given birth to octuplets by IVF. Unless she is a sow with eight teats it is hard to imagine how she is going to breast feed all of them. She lives in a 3 bedroom apartment with her mother supporting her previous children so how she is going to hold on to a job to support so many is hard to imagine. Possibly she is hoping to earn a lot of money publishing her story. What of the babies? Surely every human child has the right to expect the best living conditions, education and parental care possible and clearly the above parents will fall far short. It seems to be an accepted fact that every woman has the right to have babies and to say anything different would invite the accusation of eugenics. But surely babies have rights too and the most important one would be the right NOT to be born.

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