Monday, February 25, 2008

Seems that our esteemed Health Minister, one Ramadoss now wants to stop surrogate advertising in which companies advertise mineral water or music CDs bearing te same name as alcoholic drinks. In four years he has has run a vilification campaign against Venugopal, the Director of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, AIIMS the only world class medical institute in India. He has tried to ban smoking in films and tried to force tobacco companies to print pictures of cancer on packets of cigarettes. In Chandigarh smoking is banned on public roads and anyone caught will be fined. There may be some logic in banning smoking in closed spaces such trains and aircrafts to prevent secondary smoking in non smokers but there is absolutely no logic in banning it in an apen place. Also roads belong to the public and not slimy politicians. If they are so concerned about our health they should ban tobacco but they will not do so for fear of missing out on the billions they collect in taxes. Anything that is taxed must be legal and hence it is immoral to punish users. After all do they tax cocaine or heroin? The hypocrisy is unbearable. While the Minister is engaged in rubbish people are unable to afford routine healthcare because of poverty. Drug companies are pushing useless drugs or dangerous combinations for profit. Children are not receiving available vaccines. Nero was not the only one who fiddled while people died.

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