Wednesday, August 08, 2007

This woman had a boy last year. Husband works as a driver and still has not cleared last year's bill. She is pregnant again, severely anaemic and her blood group is O negative which means it is very difficult to find donors for her. The obstetrician refers her to other hospitals but is refused by everyone so she is brought back to the clinic. In desperation the doctor phones the local army base and two jawans with the same blood group are found to donate blood. As per law each unit has to be tested for HIV, Hep B and C, malaria and so on and this costs around Rs. 900 per unit of blood even though the donation is free. The doctor pays for the tests out of her own pocket and a healthy baby girl is delivered normally. After delivery and transfusion of two units of blood her haemoglobin is 5 Gm. What of the husband in all this drama? He made her pregnant, did not take her for any antenatal care and dumped her in the clinic when she was about to deliver. The woman could have died, the doctor actually lost money to treat this serious patient and two jawans lost blood in peace time. The husband takes no responsiblity for anything and who is to say that the same drama will not be repeated again next year or may be the woman will die the next time. Should he not be punished? Fines are of no use as he has no money anyway and putting him in jail is also useless. He will just enjoy free food and medical care at the taxpayers expense while the family will starve. The only punishment he will understand is caning. This is already done in some countries like Singapore and we should adopt it. Let the bleeding hearts bleat.

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