Saturday, August 18, 2007

One of the things I find extremely irritating is when I am told that I should be talking proper Hindi because it is my mother tongue. Firstly I am a Bengali and I think Bengali is much superior in its literature, poetry and music than Hindi. Secondly Hindi was imposed suddenly on the country by Nehru to give Hindiwallahs an unfair advantage in government jobs and because the Nehru-Gandhi family is elected from some part of Uttar Pradesh. It would have been much more fair to make Sanskrit the national language. Sanskrit is, after all, the mother of all Indian languages and every child would learn English, Sanskrit and mother tongue ( Tamil, Oriya or Hindi ) in school. That would have integrated the country instead of dividing it as Hindi has done. Also if everyone knows Sanskrit then there would be no need for pundits. The reason why Brahmins were able to maintain their superiority in caste through the centuries is because of their knowledge of Sanskrit and hence their control of the scriptures. We cannot buy a house, get married or even die without the services of a Brahmin at considerable cost. Knowledge of Sanskrit would enable everyone to perform their own puja or ritual and make all castes equal. Why would anyone call himself a Dalit when he has equal knowledge of scriptures as Brahmins do at present? After all God does not belong to anyone and did not sanction castes. But without castes politicians would be unable to divide society and exploit the weak so the class war will continue. What would we have achieved if such divisions did not exist.


Unknown said...

at the risk of alienating every muslim in the country? surely that division isn't one you're lining up for... atleast hindi is semi-persian in roots; leaving aside the cow-belt's misguided attempts to move the language toward its purported sanskritic roots, however linguistically fraudulent a claim that might be.

The Aam Aadmi said...

Heavens, would not dream of forcing such divine language on the fanatics. Do not forget the christians either. They are equally fanatical. They could be provided with separate language classes, urdu for the beards and possibly spanish for the others to remind them of the inquisition. thus english, mother tongue and the chosen third language. what say?

Unknown said...

i like the plan for spanish for the christians. though most of the christians are converted hindus- and had nothing to do with the inquisition.
as far as the fanatics go- they don't send their kids to school anyway so language isn't a problem.
if it wasn't for our goddamn colonial hangover, we could have settled on english as the official language; and been done with it. how about that?

The Aam Aadmi said...

Absolutely. However our regional languages are rich and should continue. The Hindi of the serial
Ramayan was pure Hindi and very close to Sanskrit anyway. Spoken Hindi does contain Persian and Arabic words. There are sarkari fellows called 'adhishasi abhiyanta'(engineer) and 'kulpati' (chancellor) even now. We could make our English of the backside the world language.