Saturday, August 25, 2007

Gentleman I know in London had a urine infection about two months back. He is about 65 years old and would be a candidate for prostate problems. He was given a course of antibiotics by his GP but had another infection after two weeks at which time the GP referred him to a hospital consultant for further investigations. Urinary infections are uncommon in men and two episodes within a short time demands further investigations. He was seen by a consultant who advised a urine exam and a PSA, presumably to see if cancer was a possiblity. However they have not carried out an ultrasound examination which is non invasive, completely safe and could give a load of information such as size of prostate, degree of obstruction, if any, and if anything like a stone is responsible for the symptoms. Seems that there are huge waiting lists for ultrasounds and this can only be done if absolutely necessary. In India an ultrasound costs about $12, CT scan of the brain about $35 and an MRI about $120. Medicines are about one tenth what they would cost in other countries. Unfortunately healthcare is still poor in India. The wretched poor cannot afford even these paltry amounts and the middle classes, especially here in the northwest, are reluctant to spend money on health. They seem to believe that health is God given and should be free. Also the people in this part of India are compusive liars and do not believe doctors. Thus blood pressure and diabetes remain uncontrolled because they do not cause pain. Sadly health will remain less important than the latest gizmo wherever we go.

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