Sunday, July 30, 2017

The fiction of 'all-under-heaven'.

Dressed in combat fatigues, Xi Jinping issued a threat to all China's neighbors saying,"I firmly believe that our heroic PLA has the confidence and capability to defeat any intruder." Just as Recep Erdogan wants to establish an  Ottoman caliphate, Jinping wants to become an emperor of Asia. China claims territory of all its neighbors, so every other country becomes an intruder according to Chinese fiction. The recent face off with Indian troops in Doklam, which is in Bhutan, but overlooks the Indian state of Sikkim, is an example of Chinese duplicity. After having intruded into Bhutanese territory China resorted to repeating its claims, and aggressive rhetoric against India. But if the PLA has the "capability to defeat any intruder" then so has the Indian army. China got a bloody nose from the Indian army in the Nathu La sector in 1967, and then got a spanking by Vietnam in 1979. China should remember that our soldiers have been battling a fanatic enemy, Pakistan, on our western border since independence, and so our army has earned a lot of experience through the blood of our soldiers, whereas China has not fought a real battle against a determined enemy. "An oft repeated exhortation in China is 'use the past to serve the present', wrote Prof Suisheng Zhao. "What they celebrate is an imperial China reconstructed as the benevolent centre of East Asia, to advance the agenda of China's rise as a return to the harmonious state to reassure neighbours who worry about the nation's rising threat. The leaders insist that a powerful China can be peaceful." Chinese scholars have imagined "a benevolent Chinese empire Tianxia, all-under-heaven, based on the royal ethics, or wangdao". However, western scholars studying Chinese history, find that wars were constant and both Qing and Ming dynasties were built on military power. What is most amazing is that China sees no contradiction in repeating its myth of 'benevolent Chinese' while building military bases on artificial islands created on reefs on the South China Sea, based on another Chinese fiction, the nine-dash line, which passes through territorial waters of other nations with coastlines bordering the Sea. A Court of Arbitration ruled that China has no claim over the Sea, to which the Chinese response was that the US and Japan are 'eunuchs' and 'paper tigers'. Not at all civilized, are they? Former President of Philippines, Benigno Aquino, compared China to Nazi Germany. Xi Jinping is personally behind building islands on the South China Sea. We hope there will be no Ping dynasty, like Qing and Ming. 'All-under-heaven' can only come if there is no China. 

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