Tuesday, December 13, 2016

A post-truth world because truth died?

Writing for Politico, Susan B Glasser laments the fact that truth does not seem to matter to people in the US any more. "I have a different and more existential fear today about the future of independent journalism and its role in our democracy," she writes. "Stories that would have killed any other politician -- truly worrisome revelations about everything from federal taxes Trump dodged to the charitable donations he lied about, the women he insulted and allegedly assaulted, and mob ties that have long dogged him -- did not stop Trump from thriving in this election year." Liberals call this a post-truth world, in which people vote for the side which is lying, and has been chosen as the word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries. Liberals cite Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as examples of post-truth. The shocking truth is that liberals, who pride themselves on their intellect and knowledge, do not realise that truth cannot be politically correct. Oxford University has banned the use of 'he' and 'she' to denote gender and advised the use of the word 'ze' for both men and women. But gender is not for Oxford University to decide. It has been decided by Mother Nature over 3 billion years of evolution. It is not just that our bodies and hormones are different we think differently, which is not surprising when we see that our brains are wired differently. It does not mean that one gender is superior to the other, rather that we are different. Nature does not do generics, each animal is highly specialised. Thus, a male lion is more powerful than a female and can kill her but a male hyena is smaller and nowhere in hierarchy. Ms Glasser does not realise that the media in the US were guilty of severe bias in news reporting and in opinion polls. Skewing opinion polls to generate a victory for Hillary Clinton is lying. Accusing Trump of avoiding taxes is not the truth because all wealthy Americans use the rules to pay as little tax as they can, which prompted Warren Buffet to say that he pays a lesser tax rate than his secretary. Trump was not the only one lying. Hillary Clinton "could not recall" answers to 35 questions put to her by the FBI. As a trained lawyer she must have known that it is a criminal offence to lie to the FBI, but how can anyone be punished for forgetting. The BBC thinks that it is the internet which is making us small-minded, conveniently forgetting its intense coverage of the fight in Aleppo while completely ignoring the killings in Mosul. "We've achieved a lot more transparency in today's Washington -- without the accountability that was supposed to come with it," mourns Ms Glasser. Because you have lost trust. 

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