Monday, October 31, 2016

Top rated entertainment. And it is free.

Do not understand why people are criticising the US elections. This is the most entertaining presidential elections ever, spiced with general dollops of sleaze, lies and criminal activities. First, Donald Trump produced 3 women who accused Bill Clinton, husband of Hillary, of inappropriate sexual behavior. What Bill did is not Hillary's fault except that she disparaged those women and allegedly threatened them to keep them quiet. She called Gennifer Flowers "trailer trash" and said,"I mean, I would crucify her." Monica Lewinsky was a "narcissistic loony toon" and all those who accused her husband were clubbed as "bimbo eruption". Following this the Democrats paraded a long line of women who accused Trump of sexual harassment more than a decade ago. No shred of evidence was offered for these accusations so it is impossible to know how many were lying and who, if any, had been paid, but such is the feverish atmosphere of political correctness in the west at present that any woman can destroy a man's reputation and career by accusing him of sexual transgressions in the distant past. This is the only crime where a man is presumed guilty unless he can prove his innocence. Thus, one in every 1,000 men is branded a sex offender in Britain. WikiLeaks had been threatening an 'October dump' of data on Hillary Clinton which could have been embarrassing, so Ecuador "temporarily restricted" access to the internet by Julian Assange, who has taken shelter in its embassy in London. Whether under pressure from the Obama administration we do not know. But, frustratingly for Hillary, and Obama perhaps, a dump did come, not from the opposition, but from her trusted aide Huma Abedin. Just before she became Secretary of State in 2009 Hillary set up a private server in her house in Chappaqua, New York, which she used for her emails, both private and official. As a trained lawyer Hillary would definitely understand that she was not allowed use a personal server for government work. When questioned by the FBI Hillary was unable to recall in response to 35 questions, but her memory was fine during the 3 debates with Trump. In July FBI Director, James Comey announced that he found no evidence of criminal conduct which appeared to put the matter to rest, but about a week ago the FBI reopened their investigation when they discovered Hillary's emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop when investigating his sexting a 15 year old girl. Democrats are livid at James Comey and accuse him breaking the law. Why did he do it? Because his wife was urging him. In July Michael Gove betrayed Boris Johnson and destroyed his chance of becoming prime minister because his wife told him. This may have permanently harmed Gove's own political career. Thank you, Trump and Clinton. For the free entertainment.

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