Sunday, March 06, 2016

Do you have to be blind to be liberal?

Liberals all over the world suffer from delusions of infallibility in their own intellect and their absolute conviction in the rectitude of their arguments. While heaping abuse on Donald Trump, Republican front runner for presidential election in November, they are puzzled by his popularity with grassroots voters. One compares him to right wing politicians in Europe, including Putin, who are guilty of " nationalism and a hatred of minorities ". In the opinion of another, Trump's appeal is to " white working-class ethnics ". It is not clear how white people can change their genes to add some color to their skins and why being working-class makes them somehow inferior. A third says that Trump has gone exactly opposite to the Republican Party's decision to be " kinder, more inclusive GOP ", after being defeated twice by Barack Obama. Obama was elected because 96% of blacks voted for him, which is racist, and others who saw it as being politically correct, because he had converted to Christianity, which is religious bigotry. Liberals seem completely blind to the killing of thousands of innocent people by the use of drones, which makes him a war criminal, and creating conflict where there was peace, such as in Libya and Ukraine. The liberal hatred of Trump can be compared to the hatred of the BJP government in India and the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. Not a day passes without vitriolic abuse of Hindus, which is seen as a proof of secularism. A former member of the now defunct Planning Commission starts off by commenting on the Economic Survey, released just before the budget, but somehow twists its contents to revel in Hindu bashing. He quotes Francis Fukuyama who praises the roles of Judaism, Christianity and Islam in nation-building but doubts that Hinduism can play a unifying role in strengthening the nation. Fukuyama seems to be unaware that these religions have been fighting and killing each other for thousands of years, continuing to this day. The slaughters between Catholics and Protestants and between Shia and Sunni are hardly the best means of nation building. Over 1 million Armenians, orthodox Christians, were murdered in Turkey about 100 years back. Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God, just the one, and they kill each other constantly. Out of all religions only 2 religions convert and they have been attacking Hindus for over 600 years, only because we are idol worshipers, and so we can attain paradise by dying at the hands of 'believers'. Why is caste still a problem? Because liberals use it to divide Hindus to win elections while praising minorities as superior to Hindus, as happened in recent elections in Bihar " Human beings are not satisfied by material resources alone. They demand as well their authentic selves be publicly recognized - granted equal status," the fellow writes. Exactly. That is all we Hindus want.

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