Wednesday, May 20, 2015

A nuclear war in the middle east will be Obama's fault.

Does he want to destroy the world? Obama has quietly signed a deal to transfer nuclear technology to China which will allow it to build quieter nuclear submarines. China will transfer this technology to Pakistan to hurt India, which it has been doing blatantly for decades, while continuing to lie about it. At the same time the US is supplying sophisticated arms to Pakistan including, 500 air to air missiles, 14,500 2,000 pound bombs, 1,600 kits to convert ordinary bombs to laser-guided missiles, 2,007 anti-armor missiles, 7 naval guns and 374 armored personnel carriers among others. Since the Taliban has neither airplanes nor warships these are clearly to be used against India. Meanwhile, the FBI has accused Chinese academics of spying for the mainland while studying in the US. Stealing trade and industrial secrets from the US is official Chinese government policy. There is a cyber espionage center outside Shanghai which has been hacking into computers of American companies for years. When the Chinese President, Xi Jinping was on a state visit to the US people in his retinue were busy stealing secrets of hybrid corn. When a Chinese student sent offensive emails to teachers of his school, New York Police baboons tortured Krittika Biswas for 48 hours. The Chinese was not touched. Everyone knows that Pakistan is the epicenter of global terror and also proudly heads the list of countries in watching pornography. However, Obama is not only anti-Indian he is anti-Israeli as well. Last year he threatened to shoot down Israeli jets if they attempted to bomb Iranian nuclear facilities. The result of his chest thumping is that Saudi Arabia is quietly acquiring nuclear weapons from Pakistan. Once friends of the US the Gulf monarchies are not happy with Obama's embrace of Iran while lecturing the Arabs on democracy, as though Neda Agha was not shot to death by the Basij militia to stop protests against Ahmadinejad stealing elections in 2009. Former Saudi Intelligence Chief, Prince Turki bin Faisal has already said," Whatever the Iranians have, we will have, too." Saudi Arabia is known to have financed Pakistan's nuclear weapons program and Pakistan will dare not refuse demands for weapons from Saudi because its economy is dependent on aid from the kingdom. The Arab states are not happy with increasing Iranian influence in Iraq as its government is relying almost completely on Shia militia, supported by Iran, to protect Baghdad from the Islamic State after the fall of Ramadi. The Arabs have been buying billions of dollars of arms from the US so they are prepared. Israel and the Arabs will never tolerate a nuclear Iran so we should be prepared for a war, even a nuclear one, in the middle east. The resultant slaughter will be the fault of the gasbag. Will he stand trial for it?

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