Friday, August 17, 2012

Right of oppression.

Little Ecuador, with a population of just 16 million, has decided to take on the US, UK and Sweden by granting political asylum to Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks. Since he became Prime Minister David Cameron has desperately tried to brandish his manhood. Margaret Thatcher had her Falklands war and the first Iraq war, Tony Blair had the second Iraq war so Cameron wanted to take on all comers to prove that he is not an upper class twit. He was the prime mover for bombing Libya which killed 30,000 and has left the country divided into zones controlled by heavily armed militia with civil war a real possibility. In February he said," There of course has to be military pressure on Al-Shabaab," meaning air strikes in Somalia but was slapped down by Hilary Clinton who said that western air strikes would " not be a good idea ". Then he unnecessarily provoked the Argentinians by sending a warship to the Falkland islands. However Britain is and will remain a slave country to the US. Britain has a one way agreement with the US wherein the US can extradite British citizen to be tried in the US but the British cannot extradite a US citizen to be tried in Britain. Hence the ruling on Julian Assange. Assange had sex with 2 women between 17 and 20 August 2010 in Sweden. The sex was consensual and the women apparently boasted about having sex with such a famous man. Then they filed charges of rape against Assange for not using a condom and one woman even charged him with having sex with her while she was asleep. It is hard to believe a woman can remain asleep while a man is having sex with her unless she is on hard drugs. Sweden has been taken over by jihadist feminists and if a woman changes her mind while having sex then the man is guilty of rape. Any man paying for sex is guilty of a crime but a prostitute is not although pimping and procuring and operating a brothel are also illegal. Whether all these charges were at the instigation of the US, who want to get their hands on Assange for releasing videos showing US soldiers committing dreadful war crimes in Iraq, we do not know. Assange appealed to British courts saying that he maybe extradited from Sweden to the US where he will be charged with spying and given a very long sentence but the obedient British court turned him down. So he took refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in London and asked for political asylum. Contrary to international law British police forced their way into the embassy but did not arrest Assange. Ecuador said that Swedish laws are political and that Assange maybe persecuted in the US. A US spokesman said that he will be prosecuted but not persecuted. However, Pfc Bradley Manning, who supplied the confidential documents to Assange, was kept naked in solitary confinement, subjected to frequent naked inspections and deprived of sleep. Torture by any definition. In all this Australia has maintained a stony silence although Assange is an Australian. Clearly Britain is not the only slave nation.

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