Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Divide and rule.

On 18 July workers at Maruti's factory at Manesar in Haryana rioted during which the HR manager, Avinash Kumar Dev had both his legs broken and his office set on fire burning him to death. His body was charred beyond recognition. We can only hope that he was unconscious when he died so that he did not feel any pain. Of the 96 senior officers who were taken to hospital 24 are still admitted with various injuries, mostly fractures. Not one worker was injured in the entire incident showing that the officers had not or could not put up any resistance so vicious was the attack. The immediate excuse trotted out was that one worker, Jiyalal, a Scheduled Caste, was abused by a supervisor in " casteist " language. Turns out that the supervisor alleged to have done the abusing, Sangram Singh is also of Scheduled Caste. Seems that Jiyalal slapped Singh at 9am and was suspended and the workers insisted on his immediate reinstatement. When this was refused around 3000 workers armed with iron rods and other lethal weapons attacked all senior staff. One eye witness talked about workers hunting for officers. Already a cover up is underway. Police are denying that the attack was preplanned and the usual idiots are out in force conjuring up various sociological excuses for the murderous behavior. Indeed workers have genuine grievances like in any other factory. Contract workers are paid up to Rs 5000/month while permanent workers get upwards of Rs 13000 for doing the same work. Rules are very strict with reports of toilet breaks allowed for only 7 minutes every few hours. All Indians, except politicians and civil servants, have very hard lives but we do not resort to this kind of barbarism. Land prices have rocketed and some villagers have become millionaires overnight by selling land. Those who have not been so lucky feel left out. There were strikes in the same plant last year following which Maruti made the mistake of buying off the leaders with, reportedly, Rs 2.5 million each. This must have created a sense of betrayal that some made windfall gains out of the sacrifice of all workers and a sense of expectation of large payouts for bad behavior. As usually happens some with criminal tendencies saw an opportunity to kill and maim. However, whenever there is any bestiality in India you can be sure that politics is behind it. Since independence poverty has been lauded as virtuous and educated or rich people have been portrayed as greedy oppressors. Politicians have followed lessons learnt from the British. The country was divided into states according to language. Lower castes are given employment and entry into colleges without qualifications. Minorities can get away with killing Hindus. This has bred a sense of undeserved entitlement and an expectation of immunity. As you sow and so on.

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