Thursday, March 08, 2012

Does he deserve a second term?

The Republicans are trying to make it as easy for Obama as they can. Even after super Tuesday there is no clear front runner for nomination. Mitt Romney leads with 404 delegates, Rick Santorum has 165 while Newt Gingrich has 106. Ron Paul apparently has 66 delegates without winning any state primary at all. Seems that Sarah Palin has also hinted at joining the race at some point in the future. Romney tends to flipflop, Santorum is a Christian fanatic while Gingrich is plain weird. You wonder why people would want to vote for Republicans when they plan to cut taxes for the rich while cutting social support for the poor, curtail women's rights to abortion and allow any nut to carry assault rifles but therein lies the power of illusion. Republicans have managed to make the people forget that it was Ronald Reagan who started the process of deregulation that led to a financial wild west which, in turn, led to the subprime crisis and that it was George Bush whose stupid tax cuts for the rich and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, without any thinking about consequences, that has created this enormous deficit. They have successfully persuaded people that more tax cuts for the rich are necessary to revive the economy while ordinary people lose their jobs and homes because America is the land of opportunity and you never know when you might suddenly become rich. If you suddenly became a millionaire how would you feel if you had to pay more than 15% tax that Romney pays now. Richard Nixon was a crook, Gerald Ford probably practiced his putting on the carpet of the Oval office, Ronald Reagan was showing early signs of Alzheimer's in his second term and Nancy Reagan was running the country in consultation with her astrologer and her ouija board, George Bush Sr lasted just one term because people did read his lips about no taxes while George Bush junior was a moron who talked to God. Just goes to show that when it comes to voting Americans are just as stupid as Indians. That is why scoundrels love democracy. One would think that with such confusion among the Republicans Obama should be ordering a new suit for his second swearing-in ceremony. That there is still doubt about his winning a second term shows what a weak president he has been. When he was elected the Democrats had majorities in both the Senate and the House and people were enraged with bankers but instead of ramming his healthcare and finance reform bills through he dithered. He lost Edward Kennedy's seat and heavily lost the House to the Republicans. He thus became a lame duck in his first term. Not a distinction to be proud of. If he does manage to win a second term will he show more spine and really improve people's lives or will continue to remain a gasbag. We will see. But first he has to win.

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