Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Seems that President Obama will be unable to visit the Golden Temple in Amritsar because there is no consensus on what he should cover his head with. Obama will not use a skull cap acceptable to temple authorities because that will make him look like a Muslim and would be political suicide especially with the rise of the Tea Party lunatics in the Republican Party. The temple authorities will not accept a baseball cap or army cap or variations thereof because that will not be respectful. The temple belongs to the Sikh faith and every visitor, who does not wear the traditional turban worn by Sikhs, has to cover his head as a mark of respect for the faith. Hindus do not wear turbans and normally cut their hair short and, since large numbers of Hindus visit the shrine, have learnt to improvise a temporary hat. Take a gent's handkerchief, knot the four corners and cover your head with it. Thousands of Hindus have been doing this for years. The idea is to respect the shrine and, to be fair to Sikhs, they recognise it as a mark of respect. Alternatively Obama could ask his hosts to provide him with a ready made turban as worn at north Indian weddings. These are showy and go on as any hat and would provide a fantastic photo op. Obama was elected because he represented the new US. Born of a white american mother and a black Kenyan father, a combination of Christian and Muslim with half siblings in Indonesia he seemed to represent the great american melting pot. Unfortunately his fear of the Republicans and a burning desire for a second term made him try to please everyone. He has ended up pleasing no one and may help an airhead like Palin to win next time around.

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