Friday, October 29, 2010

Mr. Mukesh Ambani, the richest man in India, is building a 27 storey house for his wife in a posh area of Mumbai reputed to be costing him some Rs. 50 billion. It is going to have everything from car park to swimming pool to helipad and will be the most expensive home in the world for a family of 6 people. My friends are of the view that this is vulgar ostentation unsuitable for a poor country like India where millions of people live below the poverty line. Some are quite vehement that he should have spent his money on helping the poor. I do not resent Mr. Ambani his wealth. As long as this money is earned through honest business then he should have the freedom to do whatever he pleases. At least he is spending his money inside the country instead of buying a luxury villa abroad. Ms Aishwarya Rai is so beautiful that people are ready to pay over Rs. 10 million just for her to show up and smile for a few minutes. Good luck to her. However I strongly resent criminal politicians and thieving civil servants lording it over us with our tax money. I resent it when the police hold my car up to let some low class trash pass by at full speed. I resent it when these filthy scoundrels spend our money to buy luxury planes. I resent it when the freeloading press call them VVIPs in craven servility. Now we have news of how navy land has been used to build a 31 storey building where politicians, civil servants and ex chiefs of armed forces have been given apartments at one tenth the fair value. The Chief Minister's dead mother in law is also on the list. This is when I understand why people join the Naxals and want to blow these bastards away.

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