Friday, May 22, 2009

So President Obama is finding out that being president is more problematic than making campaign speeches. His promise to close Guantanamo has run into trouble from both sides. Democrats refuse to fund the closure because they do not want any detainee inside the US. They are afraid of public disapproval for bringing dangerous men into the country. Perhaps they forget that the US regularly brings in far more dangerous men onto its soil. These are drug lords from Columbia and elsewhere . These are completely unscrupulous men who think nothing of killing judges, policemen or even politicians to prevent capture. Some of them have killed hundreds without any second thoughts yet they are tried and imprisoned in the US without any complaint. Then there is Dick Cheney, the former Vice President, who is going on air everyday lying his head off. His thesis is that since there were no further attacks on the US since 9/11 it was because of information revealed by torture. His bluff can be easily called by releasing all information gathered from detainees under torture and seeing if they were relevant. It must have been a hugely expensive logistical problem to launch 9/11 and the Al Qaeda leadership probably did not have the funds and educated recruits to carry out such an attack. Also with Afghanistan under heavy bombardment they were fleeing for their lives. Yet Americans are listening to Cheney instead of throwing rotten eggs at him. Much like Indians believing the Congess.

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