Tuesday, May 05, 2009

In today's paper Rahul Gandhi is featured as quoting his father saying that only 10 paise of every rupee spent by the government reaches its beneficiary because corruption eats away the other ninety. He is promising that if Congress is voted back to power this will be corrected. Yeah, right. Mr. Gandhi is a young man so maybe he should go and read the history of post independence India. This country has been ruled by, er, the Congress for about 50 of the 60 years and mostly by members of his family. In the last five years his mother has been in charge as the puppet master preparing the stage for her sonubaba. In all these years coruption has increased exponentially. Previously a sarkari fellow was described as honest if he did your work without asking for bribe. Today bribe is demanded openly and the fellow who does your work after pocketing your money is very honest. Politicians are criminals, political parties are gangs and the elections are a polite version of turf war. The police are mafia in uniform mainly used by the local government for extorting money from motorists while allowing murderers to go free. So Mr. Gandhi, my question is this: will your party make the police independent? Will you pass a bill which says that all civil cases must finish within two years? Will youshut down the IAS school and reduce the kleptocrats to a third of their present number? Will you stop Bangladeshis taking over this country? Mr. Gandhi, you will not dare to kill a street cow because that would cause a riot but you know that if you shoot me in front of the police chief in daylight and the fellow will cover up for you. Will you gurantee that you will be hanged if you are to murder me? If not, please can it.

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